Tuesday, 3 April 2012

LES - 28 March 2012

Thank you for your letter of 24 February 2012 and you subsequent e-mail of 1 March supporting the provision of sheds at the Oatlands Gate Allotments.

I can advise that the current Allotment Rules and Regulations do not permit the erection of structures within allotment sites without the approval of Land and Environmental Services.

Following the launch of the Allotment Strategy in 2009, this Service has consulted with a range his Service has consulted with a range of communities in relation to the potential to increase allotment provision and reduce waiting lists through the creation of new allotment sites.

These consultation exercises have generated a comparatively high number of responses with consultees expressing a wide range of views. One notable theme to any objections received has been in relation to the perceived negative appearance of structures within allotment sites and the potential for this to cause a loss of residential amenity.

Land and Environmental Services would wish to work with allotment associations and with the wider community to increase the supply of land deemed suitable for allotments use, so that allotment provision is seen as a positive component of the local greenspace amenity and so that allotment waiting lists might be reduced.

We would expect that each detailed application for permission to site structures within new or extended allotment sites will be considered on its own merits with consideration given to the size and material s proposed, the visual impact on surrounding properties and previous correspondence received from neighbouring properties during consultation and operational phases.

I must, therefore, advise you that due to its prominent location on the Clyde Walkway and its place within the regeneration of Oatlands, that sheds are unlikely to be permitted at Oatlands Gate and I would request that the two sheds currently on the site are to be removed.

To allow plotholders to have somewhere on their plots to store their tools and other personal equipment, secure lockable containers, similar to those proposed in your e-mail of 1 March (156cm x 74cm x 64cm), are likely to receive approval. I would note that experience on other sites would suggest that metal containers are more durable and vandal-resistant than plastic. To allow this proposal to be fully considered, I would be grateful if you would confirm the total number of storage containers proposed for Oatlands Gate and whether or not they are proposed to be of uniform size and colour.

I would note that storage containers at this location will continue to be monitored by the Allotments Officer. If any storage container is found to be damaged or in disrepair, the plotholder/association will be asked to carry out repairs with suitable materials or remove and replace it with a similar structure with the plotholders/association responsible for any repair or replacement costs. I would ask that any future requests to erect sheds or other structures should, in the first instance, be submitted to the Allotments Officer in accordance with GCC Allotment Rule 2.(9).

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