Monday 12 July 2010

Thursday 8 April 2010

Double Digging

I have it on good authority that our soil is fine. What we have to do now is double dig and here is how:

Begin at one end of the plot and dig a spade's depth (about 12") trench across the plot putting the earth into a wheelbarrow.
Work a fork into the trench to loosen the soil.
Dig a second trench next to the first and put this soil into the first trench as you go.
Work a fork into the second trench to loosen the soil.
Dig a third trench next to the second one and put this soil into the second on as you go (the first trench is still in the wheelbarrow)
Continue until you have completed the plot.

Extremely hard work but hopefully it will pay off.

Monday 8 March 2010

New Oatlands Leisure Gardens

Oh Dear!

Not quite what we were hoping for :-)

Sunday 21 February 2010

New Oatlands Leisure Gardens

Well, we could be moving into our new site very soon. There is still a lot to be done but it could all happen in the next week or two and we could be in next month.

Next blog will have photos of the new site!