Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Reply from Scottish Minister

I would be very happy to meet with plot holders to discuss the matter further and would be grateful if you could give me an indication of when and where would be most suitable for you.

Plotholder to Scottish Minister

I am a plotholder at the Oatlands Gate Allotment Site. The LES are trying to enforce a regulation where we are not allowed to build sheds/greenhouses - this is a site with no water facilities. This affects us greatly and we are extremely dissapointed with the councils dealing of this matter. We do not believe the council have the right to enforce this regulation under the Allotments Act of 1921 and we do not believe they are acting in the manner expected from someone who is employed to protect. I have enclosed details of the matter in a word document and would ask that you give our plight your fullest attention.

Response from Glasgow Councillor

I share your dismay on this total nonsense. The green group got agreement at yesterday's council meeting for this to be reviewed with the aim of a design guide which would, I hope lead to a presumption of permission.

Oatlands Gate to Independent Councillor

In your capacity as a councillor can you provide us with facts and statistics from the Council's consultation?

I have been involved at Oatlands allotments for the last 5 years and sat through GAF meetings where the allotment strategy for the Council was discussed many times. At no time, was the idea of refusing sheds mentioned.

Allotments without sheds have no structure and it is actually very difficult to identify where an individual plot starts and stops. The allotment site at Allers in East Kilbride is an example of this as some plotholders have threee plots but only one shed. Perhaps if you can spare the time you could visit this site and get back to us.

Mansewood allotments have now been given permission to erect their sheds. Why?

Bett Homes were recently in the top 3 for a regeneration in housing award. They were the only site in Scotland to have included allotments in their development plans. Surely, a major housing developer would not incorporate something which would deter house sales?

Glasgow City Council said: Since the inception of the Oatlands regeneration project, the inclusion of allotment gardens has been seen as an important feature of the development.

Comment from Independent Councillor

I have had a response from LES who advise that the current Allotment Rules and Regulations do not permit the erection of structures within allotment sites without the approval of Land and Environmental Services.

Following the launch of the Allotment Strategy in 2009, this Service has consulted with a range of communities in relation to the potential to increase allotment provision and reduce waiting lists, through the creation of new allotment sites.

These consultation exercises have generated a comparatively high number of responses, with consultees expressing a wide range of views. One notable theme to any objections received has been in relation to the perceived negative appearance of structures within allotment sites and the potential for this to cause a loss of residential amenity.

Land and Environmental Services would wish to work with allotment associations and with the wider community, to increase the supply of land deemed suitable for allotments use, so that allotment provision is seen as a positive component of the local greenspace amenity and so that allotment waiting lists might be reduced.

They would expect that each application for permission to site structures within new or extended allotment sites will be considered on its own merits, with consideration given to the size and materials proposed, the visual impact on surrounding properties and previous correspondence received from neighbouring properties during consultation and operational phases..

They advise further that they have reviewed the proposal received from a plot holder of Oatlands Gate Allotments and have now responded, advising them that due to its prominent location on the Clyde Walkway and its place within the regeneration of Oatlands, that sheds are unlikely to be permitted at Oatlands Gate, but that to allow plot holders to have somewhere on their plots to store their tools and other personal equipment, secure lockable containers, similar to those proposed in the plot holders email of 1 March (156cm x 74cm x 64cm), are likely to receive approval.

They have asked the plot holder that, to allow this proposal to be fully considered, they would be grateful if the total number of storage containers proposed for Oatlands Gate was confirmed and whether or not they are proposed to be of uniform size and colour.

I hope that this is something that will be considered by all as a way forward to address this current issue. Happy to discuss further.

Comment from local councillor

I am really frustrated at this,with a suggestion of metal containers over natural wood blending into the Clyde's natural landscape.

Oh I get it the art nouveaux containers are to blend with the weaving earthy motorway that blends with the Clyde.

Okay got that out my system.

I along with other eco-architects are more than willing to help Oatland plotholders construct a beautiful natural structure and allow the many critics to cast their artistic eyes and give comment if this fits with their asthetic viewpoints.

We can call in Ben Law or whoever to help with this.

Sound promising ?

Plotholder's comment 29/3/12

Sorry I won't make the meeting Monday - I'm back at work for a week. I'm going to start looking for somewhere (maybe even another allotment) where I can move my shed and raised beds and compost bins should the council ultimately dismantle my shed (I won't be doing it myself unless I think they're going to do it with a sledgehammer). In the meantime I'll continue planting and treat their ludicrous decision with all the contempt I can muster. I'm guessing in the light of this developement we're no longer talking about getting compost and boards brought on site.
As I see it we've no option but to carry on gardening. That sounds like it could be made into a film.

Plotholder's comments 29 March 2012

This is getting beyond a joke the council seen to be quoting rules and regulations that do not seem to be publicly available ive tried in vain to find anything on there seriously out of date (were not even listed) website apart from the attached Draft Allotments Strategy and no-where on it does it specifically ban any structure on any of there sites.

The website also makes interesting reading about the facilites other council run allotments sites have advertised not one doesnt have running water and some even have sheds and greenhouses :)

I also noticed there is a council allotment site just off london road just next to celtic's training ground this site is also on the clyde walkway next to a new housing estate and from what i can see from google they seem to have sheds would be interesting to see if they've had as much hassel as we seem to be getting.

Plotholder to LES 29 March 2012

I'd like to ask two questions.

Has this decision been taken by yourself and other unelected officials after discussions with ELECTED Councillors or has it been taken by completely unaccountable Public Servants? In fact have you even informed the Councillors of this decision?

LES - 28 March 2012

Thank you for your letter of 24 February 2012 and you subsequent e-mail of 1 March supporting the provision of sheds at the Oatlands Gate Allotments.

I can advise that the current Allotment Rules and Regulations do not permit the erection of structures within allotment sites without the approval of Land and Environmental Services.

Following the launch of the Allotment Strategy in 2009, this Service has consulted with a range his Service has consulted with a range of communities in relation to the potential to increase allotment provision and reduce waiting lists through the creation of new allotment sites.

These consultation exercises have generated a comparatively high number of responses with consultees expressing a wide range of views. One notable theme to any objections received has been in relation to the perceived negative appearance of structures within allotment sites and the potential for this to cause a loss of residential amenity.

Land and Environmental Services would wish to work with allotment associations and with the wider community to increase the supply of land deemed suitable for allotments use, so that allotment provision is seen as a positive component of the local greenspace amenity and so that allotment waiting lists might be reduced.

We would expect that each detailed application for permission to site structures within new or extended allotment sites will be considered on its own merits with consideration given to the size and material s proposed, the visual impact on surrounding properties and previous correspondence received from neighbouring properties during consultation and operational phases.

I must, therefore, advise you that due to its prominent location on the Clyde Walkway and its place within the regeneration of Oatlands, that sheds are unlikely to be permitted at Oatlands Gate and I would request that the two sheds currently on the site are to be removed.

To allow plotholders to have somewhere on their plots to store their tools and other personal equipment, secure lockable containers, similar to those proposed in your e-mail of 1 March (156cm x 74cm x 64cm), are likely to receive approval. I would note that experience on other sites would suggest that metal containers are more durable and vandal-resistant than plastic. To allow this proposal to be fully considered, I would be grateful if you would confirm the total number of storage containers proposed for Oatlands Gate and whether or not they are proposed to be of uniform size and colour.

I would note that storage containers at this location will continue to be monitored by the Allotments Officer. If any storage container is found to be damaged or in disrepair, the plotholder/association will be asked to carry out repairs with suitable materials or remove and replace it with a similar structure with the plotholders/association responsible for any repair or replacement costs. I would ask that any future requests to erect sheds or other structures should, in the first instance, be submitted to the Allotments Officer in accordance with GCC Allotment Rule 2.(9).

comment from DRS - 20 February 2012

I’m afraid that I’m not in a position to over-rule the LES stance on sheds/greenhouses, as they are the part of the Council which has the ultimate say in this matter. Am I right in thinking that the Glasgow Allotments Forum was trying to advocate shed-free allotments?

However, I’m obviously conscious that the allotments at Logan Gardens have sheds/greenhouses, and my overriding concern is that the Oatlands Gate site also looks as tidy as possible at all times, given that it is overlooked by peoples’ houses.

As your committee feels strongly about this, it would clearly be appropriate for you to write to LES, querying the applicability of the rule and seeking authority for what is preferred.

28 February 2012 - update from LES

Clear guidance already exists within the Council's allotment rules: (No greenhouse or other building or fixtures shall be erected on or attached to any plot, without the consent of the Director of Parks). Once your associations appeal has been received, then I expect an LES response will be prepared and sent to all Oatlands Gate plotholders detailing the final ruling on structures. In the meantime, you could email the Council's allotments rules (highlighting rule (2. (9))to your plotholders to ensure that they have a copy.

8 February 2012 - letter from LES

I raised the question regarding permission to site sheds, and must advise that it is the decision of Land and Environmental Services that sheds, glasshouses, or other structures are not permitted on Oatlands Gate Allotments. I must therefore advise that the two sheds that have been erected on the site must be removed. However, we will continue to monitor the progress of the site with a view of perhaps relaxing this decision. Could you please ensure that all Oatlands Gate plotholders are informed of this outcome.

26 January 2012 - Letter from LES

I passed the Oatlands Gate site today and noticed that a plotholder was in the process of constructing a 4' fence and a shed on his plot. I asked who had given him permission to construct a shed and he said it was allowed and that the Council didn't bother about these things. I then advised that there were rules regarding the construction of greenhouses and other buildings contained within the Council's allotment rules ((2) 9.), and Oatlands association rules (item 2). There is also a large shed on site. To ensure that no more structures are erected without approval, could you please advise all plotholders that they must firstly put their application in writing to the committee, complete with design plan and measurements. The application should then be forwarded by the committee to me at Land and Environmental Services. LES will then give a decision on whether the application is approved. I have advised the plotholder that he will be informed in due course as to whether his shed is to remain, or be dismantled. I have asked him to remove the fence that he has started. However, not to pre-empt any LES decision, I must point out that sheds, glasshouse and high fences are not permitted on the new allotment sites recently created by Land and Environmental Services.

STV Blog

Ok, Amanda MacMillan of STV Local phoned me as i had told her about the problems at Oatlands Gates (she did a thing about our Detroit movie). She's asked me to write a "blog post" and hopefully this (below) will work. I wanted to check and see if you guys thought this was alright - lemme know if you want any changes. Also, Claire maybe you could put in a quote? Something like Claire Shearer, Secretary of Oatlands Gates says "..." And do you want to inclue the bit about Danny Alderslowe? If so, are there any other politicos who are definitely on side? (I know Philip Braat is but he's not local so maybe not useful for this).

Ok, lemme know what you think.


Plotholders at the new Oatlands Gate have been told by Glasgow City Council that they are not to erect sheds on the site due to what the Council calls their "perceived negative appearance". While the Council made much of their committment to allotments and a green strategy when Oatlands Gates were officially opened, it now appears that the main concern is an aesthetic one, in particular one that sees allotment sheds as "negative" and potentially causing, in the words of the Council, a "loss to residential amenity".

Oatlands Gate are situated along the new Clyde Walkway, and someone in the Council, or possibly Bett Homes (the developers) don't want allotment sheds to spoil the view of the river. And yet, with Glasgow City Council waiting lists of up to 6 years for allotment sites, the Council recognises the demand for plots. But with nowhere to store tools, how can plotholders work the land? The Council has said that plotholders can have "storage boxes" but as these aren't large enough to store a rake, what use are they?

Plotholders at Oatland Gates have been provided with a chemical toilet - and that is all. No clubhouse or communal space to store tools. They have been presented with land to use, but no meaningful way for them to store tools, change of clothes, etc to effectively work their plots. And yet they have been expected to pay the same rent as plotholders at sister site Oatlands Leisure Gardens, who were moved by developers Bett Homes into plots with sheds already on them (albeit on a site half the size of the original).

Glasgow City Council has insisted that the two sheds already erected on the site be dismantled. At a recent meeting, plotholders unanimously agreed to fight this decision and have rallied local politicians like Green Councillor Danny Alderslowe to the cause. Hopefully common sense will prevail.